The Satanic Scholar is dedicated to preserving the Miltonic-Romantic legacy of Lucifer. The central aim of the site is to perpetuate the memory of the Heaven-defiant arch-rebel celebrated within the phenomenon of Romantic Satanism, principally by its Satanic School, presided over by Romantic icons Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley.

Romantic Satanism was a radical turn-of-the-nineteenth-century tradition, produced by a number of the era’s most titanic intellectuals, poets, prose writers, and visual artists. Theirs was a handsome Devil of heroic proportions, the thitherto horned and hoofed Satan discarded in exchange for a humanized and idealized Lucifer—a paragon of classical beauty worthy of the noble rebel who holds pride of place in Paradise Lost.
Milton’s sublime Satan—the apostate angel who aspired above his station in courageous self-assertion and, dauntlessly defiant against all odds, staked his flag on the burning marl of Hell—was applauded by Romantic Satanists as a Promethean icon of revolutionary virtue. Their acclaim for the illustrious Satanic standard-bearer for unfettered humanity will here be echoed.

Safeguarding the honor of the majestic Miltonic Lucifer at the heart of Romantic Satanism and its Satanic School, The Satanic Scholar will in the process promote the fallen archangel’s modern-day ascendancy by identifying influences of this grand tradition on our cultural milieu.
As the keeper of the Miltonic-Romantic-Satanic flame, The Satanic Scholar endeavors to give this proud tradition’s distinguished Devil his due.
(Click here for an extended version of The Satanic Scholar’s mission statement.)